Monday, September 8, 2008

29 (30.67)K yesterday morning

We ran 29K yesterday morning. I would probably sum up the run as disappointing. The longest I had run before this was 26K.

On this run, I got to about 24K and my left knee really started bothering me. It got to the point where each time my left foot hit the ground, the pain was louder and louder, so to speak. So, I decided to start walking. I thought I would 'walk it out' - but it didn't work that way. It didn't get any better on the walk. So, here I am at 24K, thinking to myself "This is barely over half a marathon and I'm breaking down.." "If this was the marathon, I would have 18K more to go.." That's why it's disappointing.

However, I did what I could - I ran a bit, I walked a bit, I stopped and stretched a bit.

My goal for this marathon is changing around a bit. At first, I wanted to be under a certain time, then, I wanted to get a certain time. Now, after talking to a few different people who have ran marathons and remind we what a feat it is - I think my goal is "Finish the marathon uninjured." While I would love a great time - I want to remain uninjured. That's the first goal.

So, I've got to figure this knee thing out and I have to do 29K again next Sunday, then 32K the Sunday after that.

"The marathon can humble you." - Bill Rodgers

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