Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back hurts - not running today -

I'm a little disappointed that I'm not running today. This morning we are supposed to be running 23K.

However, even though I was at a wedding last night and didn't drink and left early in anticipation for this morning's run - I have some pain in my lower back and I don't want to aggravate it.

With all of this training - one of my main concerns is getting a life long injury. I think I said it at the beginning of this blog that my doctor told me not to run a marathon. He said "It's not the marathon, it's all the training that will get you.."

It was a tough call to pass on today's run - but I felt it was better to have this pain go away than to aggravate it even more and miss a couple of future sessions. I was looking forward to the run and to make sure I kept up my mileage.

I'm not really sure where the pain came from. It could be the hill training that we did last week. It could be the hike that Suzanne and I did yesterday. (We went to Deep Cove yesterday and did a hike for about an hour and a half or so.) However, I have had this pain before and it feels like my whole spine is out of joint with some clicking and clacking when I move in certain ways.

So, I am going to concentrate on fixing this pain so I can do more hill training this week and the long run again next weekend.


Kim Hexter said...

Good call, Graham. There's still plenty of time to get your mileage up. You did the smart thing!

Niki said...

Bummer dude! I know the kind of pain you're talking about. Do you have a good chiro? A good one can keep your body tuned up - you've got to treat yourself like an elite athlete! Ice and heat too to take down the inflammation.