Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Walking on egg shells..

It's been strange - the last couple of days - I have been very deliberate of where I step, how I place my foot on the stair in front of me, how I step off a curb, how I walk on slippery surfaces. All I can really think of is "Don't get injured!" It reminds me of when I used to BMX race and whenever we were going away for a big event - we always had a bit of a rule that we wouldn't go out and do anything out of the ordinary just to make sure we were in good shape for the event.

It would just seem silly to sprain an ankle 4 days before a race that you've spent weeks preparing for. So I probably won't be doing much once I get to New York, at least before the race! Afterwards, IT'S ON!

And, my new shoes arrived at my hotel in New York (Thank you, Janice!)..whether I am wearing them or not is another story..

Tonight, I'm finishing packing and we leave tomorrow. I don't think it has really sunk in yet.


Niki said...

new runners? unless they are a tried and true brand...perhaps have Sooz bring your old ones in case you want to switch? I'm so excited for you!!

Isabelle Julien said...

good call on the new shoes Graham. Same model same year Fed dex to hotel! Sweet :)