Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The "10 and 1's" are messing with my head!

Today I ran 10K with The Running Room group after my IF workout.
I am toning down my workouts because I am feeling a bit 'flat' or, tired.

So, no running during my IF workouts if possible. Otherwise, all this running is going to drive me a bit crazy.

Back to the 10 and 1's messing with my head...I didn't run during the week at all last week - but I ran two Sunday's ago and that was a 10 and 1 run - Run for 10 minutes, walk for 1 minute. Then, because I missed the runs during the week last week, I ran another longer distance (17K) on Sunday and did 10 and 1 again.

Today, when we ran the 10K - my body kept telling me to stop running around the 10 minute or 12 minute mark. It was strange - I have run a 10K without stopping but today for some reason, I kept wanting to walk for a minute or so. Pretty strange and actually a little frustrating. I knew I could do it but it felt like I didn't want to.

The lesson? The tempo runs, the steady runs, the 6K's, 8K's, 10K's, etc., are a very important part of the overall training - so I must fit them in!

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