Friday, August 8, 2008

I'm Inspired

I'm a couple of days late with this post, but I need to tell you all about Mark. I went running with the Running Room group on Tuesday evening and had a great time running with Mark. This was my first weeknight run with this group so I really didn't know what to expect. I didn't realize that nobody runs alone. When I figured that out, I admit that I had a fleeting moment of fear that I would slow somebody down. It turns out that Mark, an extremely fit middle-aged man runs at my pace, which is that of a 5 1/2 hour marathon. On Tuesday night, he taught me that it is not important how fast you run, but that you just do it. Two years ago, Mark, an overweight smoker and heavy drinker, had quadruple bypass surgery and his "pace" was a slow shuffle just to make it across his living room. He decided he wanted to change his life and wanted to run...not just run, but run marathons and his doctors told him he was crazy and that it would never happen. Let me restate, on Tuesday night, I ran an awesome tempo run with a guy who, only two years ago had quadruple bypass surgery!!! Oh ya, he ran the Kelowna half marathon a year ago, and, just last May, ran the Vancouver Marathon!!!
What an incredible, inspirational individual. What is his secret? An unwaivering belief that he can do whatever he sets his mind to. Now he lives a healthy, active, vegan lifestyle and radiates the most amazing positive energy. His doctors are in awe of him...he doesn't even need to take heart medication...he has completely rewritten the book on how to LIVE after major heart surgery. I'm excited to run with Mark again and hope all of you get the chance to talk to him because you, too, will be inspired!!!

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