Wednesday, July 23, 2008

10K...after an IF workout!

I train at Innovative Fitness on Monday, Wednesday and Friday's. The running club is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. (Long runs on Sunday.)

I thought I would do my regular workout today and then do the running club afterwards at 6:30 PM. Bad idea? Good idea? Not sure, really. All I know is that I had a pretty kick-ass workout for an hour and then ran 10K afterwards.

The route that we ran today and yesterday is new to me. I live in the area, but it still amazes me at all of the great trails and routes we have for walking, jogging, running, biking, etc. It was pretty much the same route as yesterday - just 2K longer on the way downhill and therefore 2K longer on the way uphill...

I think I am going to take the rest of the week off from running! I need to work my way up to 4 days a week.

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