Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A little 6.42K'er

I joined the Running Room Marathon Clinic today. It was at 6:30 PM at the Running Room at South Point (Surrey) by the Cactus Club.

Frankly, I was a bit tired from work today and I didn't really feel like going for a run. Then, as I was driving in the direction of the Running Room - I got to thinking... I've never run a Marathon.. I've never run a HALF Marathon!

It kind of hit me that if I want to enjoy this event - I won't be able to cram for it like in school when you could just study all night and take the test the next day. You really need to put in the effort.

So, I sucked it up and went to the Running Room - and I'm really glad I did! There was a great group of people there, including Isabelle and Greg from IF, and it was motivating to be running with a group. Although I think the crew from there is a little bit evil because the run was downhill for the first part and uphill all the way home... but that's the deal, right!?

The long runs start soon - these little runs are just the tip of the iceberg. This was a good little one and a start to many more. I felt good all the way through it.

Afterwards, I found this quote that I thought was fitting for my new group at the Running Room -

"Your training partners are key to your success, and friendships based on your runs together are strong.” Bill Rodgers

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