Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I heart hills...Part 2

This evening we did hills again. The first time I did hills was 2 weeks ago and we did 4 x 600M. Tonight, we did 6 x 600M. (I skipped the previous week due to my back pain.) (We eventually work up to 10 x 600 over the next 4 weeks.)

Over the past week, I've been to massage, chiro and have been fitted for orthotics. I received my orthotics today and worked out in them and then did the hill training in them. Probably a bit much for just getting orthotics - but I want to get used to them for the big runs. I felt pretty good today other than a blister on the inside of each foot...from the new orthotics.

I have pain on the top of my right foot that sort of came out of nowhere. Someone said it may have to do with my laces being too tight - so I'm going to play with that a little bit.

Not much else new to report!

1 comment:

Isabelle Julien said...

How's the foot Graham? I really enjoy reading about your training!